My Tribute to Nini (Sister Prescilia Yenwul)

Created by Samoh 11 years ago
Nini Alas! The day finally came and you left us at the age of Abraham. And who knows the secret of this ripe old age? “Ah! It’s simple,” says the psychologists; It is her great sense of humour. She created a lot of fun, smiled beautifully and laughed moderately from a free heart. A musician has even sung that: If you keep your heart in truth and peace If you keep your mind positive always If you keep your heart clean and pure You will live free from diseases and woe Medical scientists and pharmacists attest that she avoided them at all cost and so suffered no side effect of their products. May be it is true since I hardly heard of her lying in the hospital. The Herbalists/natural scientists gladly claim the credit, given that she knew how to help herself with leaves. As she worked in the farm she harvested some and ate even without washing. For instance she used ‘afu a cusina’ Interesting indeed! Even the Musicians are claiming that it is because she sang so well and exercised her lungs and other organs. Their claim is supported by the musicians and angelic singers among her offspring. Politicians/Diplomats have no qualms to liken her sense of diplomacy to that of Jesus Christ when he deals with the Pharisees. She knew each one of us so well and dealt very tactfully with each individual. She knew how to put her cards and get what she wanted. To sociologists the answer is too simple – It runs through the family. Was it not the same case with Nini Ka-ah? Organizational analysts strongly hold that her ability to organize and use her time judiciously was enough to keep her away from stress. Since the journalists think that pouring out your heart to God and man, pleasant or otherwise keeps your heart free, her length of years to them is obvious. No doubt some offspring are… and the teachers/Counsellors too stand tall in their claim as no one ever met her and departed without a word of advice. Historians/Anthropologists assert that given her photographic memory, she had every reason to keep long to recount the historical facts chronologically and enthusiastically as she always did. To the Nutritionists, it is but obvious that she lived on organic food – ‘Kwakoko’(bible)‘Alanga biwe’(red cocoyams), mbasibol(Cocoyam leaves) Physiotherapists pride themselves claiming that by trekking all her life she was bound to remain healthy and strong. However, I only regret it when I recall missing a golden opportunity in those days to enjoy a ride with Pa Wallang (nini’s Junior br.) simply because she refused to enter the car for him to drop us at Fuanantui. Massa, that thing be nyati hot me... And now the Doctor of the Souls crowns it all: He says it is due to her Faith which helped her to recognize always her limitations and constantly turned to God in the Sacrament of confession. And so her heart remained pure ready for a worthy reception of the Holy Eucharist. And the Almighty has the ultimate answer to why she lived so long! So, thank you God for keeping her here for this length of time, in your provident plan. Kindly forgive all her trespasses and receive her into the eternal joys. Sr. Priscilla Yein Wulaiwimia (Grand Daughter)
